Monday 28 November 2011

The History of Walisongo

In Indonesia Walisongo could proved that islam is peaceful religion, so they could spreaded Islam in Hindu comunity more  easely.

Once, when still a child, I know the story of a home tutor Walisongo figures in the ward. Walisongo known as the nine saints who spread Islam in Java. After reading some history books Walisongo, it turns out what I know about Walisongo during childhood was actually not a charismatic mayor 9 people who spread Islam in Java, but understanding the actual Walisongo is Da'wah Council or Board of preachers named Walisongo, in 9 incorporated therein the charismatic cleric who preached in all corners of the island of Java.
To learn more about this Walisongo Da'wah Council, I present the history contained in one book Acts Walisongo. And this time I present Walisongo Story written by: Abu Khalid, MA. For the story and experience of each trustee who is known to the wider community I present separately. In the stories and experiences Walisongo written by historians depicts a variety karomah Allah given to them. For some people, let alone karomah-miracle given by God Almighty to His prophets are sometimes regarded as a mere hoax, although it has been clearly written in the book of His Divine. Therefore, reading the story Walisongo with various karomahnya certainly not the main thing to be taken as a lesson. In my opinion, recognize the enthusiasm, effort, sincerity, and obedience to the Creator in spreading the teachings that are more important for us to know and emulate.
As written in the book Acts Walisongo, generally we know Walisongo only nine people are: Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Sunan Ampel, Sunan Bonang, Sunan Giri, Sunan Drajad, Sunan Kalijaga, Festival, Sunan Muria, and Sunan Gunungjati
As mentioned in the book of Ibn Battuta Kanzul Ulul the author followed by Maulana Sheikh Al Maghrobi, Walisongo to trial three times, namely:
The year 1404 AD is the nine guardians.Year 1436 AD into three trustee to replace the deceased.Year 1463 AD into four trustee to replace the dead and gone.
According to KH Abd Dachlan. Qohar, in the year 1466 AD, Walisongo convened again to discuss various things. Among them was Sheikh Siti Jenar case, the death of two saints of Maulana Muhammad and Maulana Ahmad Al Maghrobi Jumadil Kubro as well as the inclusion of two members Walisongo guardian.
1. Walisongo First Period 

At the time of Sultan Muhammad ruled a kingdom of Turkey, he asked the development of Islamic religion to the traders from Gujarat. Of those Sultan heard the news that in Java there are two Hindu kingdom of Majapahit and Pajajaran. Among people who are Muslims but there is only limited to the family of Gujarati merchants who marries the indigenous population that is in port cities.
The Sultan then sent a letter to the princes of Islam in North Africa and the Middle East. Requesting the scholars who have karomah to be sent to the island of Java. So terkumpullah high nine scholars knowledgeable and have karama.
In the year 808 Hijrah or 1404 AD the scholars were leaving for the island of Java. They are:

1. Maulana Malik Ibrahim, originally from Turkey expert rule the country. Preaching in eastern Java. Died in Gresik in the year 1419 AD His grave is located one kilometer from the north of the factory Semen Gresik.
2. Maulana Isaac came from Samarqand (near Bukhara-South Russia). He is expert treatment. Having completed their task in Java Maulana Isaac moved to Pasai and died there.
3. Maulana Ahmad Jumadil Kubra, comes from Egypt. He itinerant preaching. His grave in Troloyo Trowulan, Mojokerto in East Java.
4. Maulana Muhammad Al Maghrobi, derived from the Maghrib (Morocco), his itinerant preaching. Died in 1465 AD His grave in Jatinom Klaten, Central Java.
5. Maulana Malik Isroil came from Turkey, experts rule the country. Died in 1435 AD His tomb at Mount Students.
6. Maulana Muhammad Ali Akbar, came from Persia (Iran). Expert treatment. Died 1435 AD His tomb at Mount Students.
7. Maulana Hasanuddin came from Palestine. Itinerant preaching. Died in 1462 AD His grave beside the mosque Banten Lama.
8. Maulana Alayuddin of Palestinian origin. Itinerant preaching. Died in 1462 AD His grave beside the mosque Banten Lama.
9. Sheikh Subakir, derived from Persian, experts menumbali (method rukyah) haunted land inhabited by evil genies handyman to mislead people. Once the genie was out of the way and then the land that has been used as a boarding neutral. After a lot of places ditumbali (with Rajah Asthma Holy) Sheikh Subakir then returned to Persia in 1462 AD and died there. One of his followers or friends of Sheikh Subakir exists on the north Baths Blitar, East Java. There is a relic of Sheikh Subakir form of prayer rugs made of ancient stone.
2. Walisongo Second Period

In this second period of three saints go replace three guardians who died. The three are:

1. Prince Ahmad Ali Rahmatullah, came to Java in 1421 AD replaces Malik Ibrahim who died in 1419 AD Prince Ahmad came from Cempa, South Thailand (South Thailand).
2. Sayyid Ja'far Shodiq came from Palestine, arrived in Java in 1436 to replace Malik Isro'il who died in 1435 AD He lived in the Holy Ghost so that known as Sunan.
3. Sharif Hidayatullah, originally from Palestine. Coming in Java in 1436 AD Replace Maulana Ali Akbar who died in 1435 AD Walisongo the second trial was held in Surabaya Ampel.
The trustee then divide the task. Sunan Ampel, and Maulana Maulana Ishaq Jumadil Kubro served in East Java. Festival, Subakir and Maulana Shaykh Al-Maghrobi served in Central Java. Sharif Hidayatullah, and Maulana Maulana Hasanuddin Aliyuddin in West Java. With the division of these duties, each trustee has had its own mission area, they are assigned according to their expertise.
3. Walisongo Third Period
In the year 1463 AD Enter the four guardian Walisongo members are:

1. Raden Paku or Shaykh Maulana Ainul Yaqin Balambangan born in East Java. Son of Isaac with the daughter of Sheikh Maulana Blambangan kingdom named Goddess or Goddess Kasiyan Sekardadu. Raden Paku is the place of his father who had moved to the country Pasai. Because Raden Paku lived in Giri then he is more known as Sunan Giri. His grave is located in Gresik in East Java.
2. Raden Said, or Sunan Kalijaga, born in Tuban in East Java. He is the son of the Duke Wilatikta located in Tuban. Sunan Kalijaga Subakir replace Sheikh returned to Persia.
3. Makdum Raden Ibrahim, or Sunan Bonang, born in Ampel Surabaya. He is the son of Sunan Ampel, Sunan Bonang replacing the Maulana Hasanuddin who died in 1462. Walisongo the third trial was also held in Ampel Surabaya.
4. Walisongo Fourth Period

In 1466 appointed two guardians to replace the two who had died of Maulana Ahmad and Maulana Muhammad Jumadil Kubro Maghrobi. Two guardians are replaced are:

1. Fattah or Raden Raden (Raden Patah)

Broken Raden was a pupil of Sunan Ampel, he is the son of the King of Majapahit UB. He was appointed as Duke Bintoro in the year 1462 AD Then build a mosque Demak in 1465 and was crowned King or Sultan of Demak in the year 1468.

2. Fathullah Khan, son of Sunan Gunungjati, he was elected as a member Walisongo succeeded his father in old age.
5. Fifth Period Walisongo

It can be concluded that in this period into Sunan Muria or Raden Umar Said, son of Sunan Kalijaga replace a deceased guardian.
It is said that Shaikh or Sheikh Siti Jenar Weak Abang is one of the members Walisongo, but because Siti Jenar later teach the doctrine that cause unrest and ignore the Shari'a religious people Siti Jenar then sentenced to death. The next position is replaced by Siti Jenar Sunan Bayat - the former Duke of Semarang (Ki Pandanarang) which has been a disciple Sunan Kalijaga.
Furthermore, story, legend or history of each trustee known to the public in general will be presented on separate pages. The Guardian which is widely known to the public as Walisongo are:
1. Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim2. Sunan Ampel3. Sunan Bonang4. Sunan Giri5. Sunan Drajad6. Sunan Muria7. Festival8. Sunan Kalijaga9. Sunan Gunungjati
Walisongo pilgrims, usually went to the tomb of the nine guardians. If you want a more complete pilgrimage pilgrimage then leader (who know the history Walisongo) will also Walisongo religious visit to the first period to fourth period, including teachers or parents of the fifth period of the guardians. For example, someone from Surabaya who had visited the grave of Sunan Drajad, he would have found time to visit the tomb of Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim Asmarakandi in Gresikharjo, he is the grandfather and father of Sunan Drajad Sunan Ampel Raden Rahmat.

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