Soon after Muhammad arrived in Medina in 622, he made a covenant between the people Emigrants (the Muslims of Mecca who co-migrated with the Prophet), Ansar (Muslims of Medina), and the Jews. The agreement is then referred to the Constitution or the Charter of Medina. This charter will makes islam become peaceful religion.
Western scholars and, of course, Muslim scholars also agreed that this charter is authentic. According to Julius Wellhausen, a German orientalist, there are four reasons that underlie the authenticity of this charter, namely, first, grammar and vocabulary that is used very archaic. Second, the text of the agreement is full of allusions that can only be understood by contemporaries with the holding of the treaty. Third, the legal text of the agreement reflect the ancient tribes, long before Islam were present. Fourth, if there is fraud against the agreement, he will reflect on the phenomenon of Islamic periods, for example, non-Muslims must not fall into that category wahida umma (Humphreys, 1999).
Charter of Medina are often regarded as the basis of the formation of the first Islamic state in Medina. And the Prophet Muhammad is believed to be the foundation stone of the country. The contents of this agreement, among other things, that the entire population of Medina, whatever the religion and tribe, is the umma wahida (a single community) or a single race. Therefore, they all have to help and protect each other, and they all have the right to run the religion embraced each.
The following is a Translation of the Charter of Medina.
Preambule: In the name of Allah, Most Gracious and Most Merciful. This is the charter of Muhammad, the Prophet Muhammad, among the believers and Muslims (derived) from the Quraysh and Yathrib (Medina), and who followed them, join and fight with them.
Article 1: Behold them one people, other than the (community) another human being.
Article 2: The Emigrants (immigrants) from the Quraysh appropriate circumstances (custom) them, shoulder to shoulder to pay blood money among them and they pay the ransom captives with a good and fair manner among the believers.
Article 3: Banu 'Awf, according to circumstances (custom) them, shoulder to shoulder to pay blood money among them as before, and each tribe to pay the ransom captives well and fairly among the believers.
Article 4: Banu Sa'idah, according to circumstances (custom) them, shoulder to shoulder to pay blood money between them (like) the original, and each tribe to pay the ransom captives with a good and fair manner among the believers.
Article 5: Banu al-Hars, according to circumstances (custom) them, shoulder to shoulder to pay blood money between them (like) the original, and each tribe to pay the ransom captives with a good and fair manner among the believers.
Article 6: Banu Jusyam, according to circumstances (custom) them, shoulder to shoulder to pay blood money between them (like) the original, and each tribe to pay the ransom captives with a good and fair manner among the believers.
Article 7: Banu al-Najjar, according to circumstances (custom) them, shoulder to shoulder to pay blood money between them (like) the original, and each tribe to pay the ransom captives with a good and fair manner among the believers.
Article 8: Banu 'Amr ibn' Awf, according to circumstances (habits) them, shoulder to shoulder to pay blood money between them (like) the original, and each tribe to pay the ransom captives in a good way and justice among the believers.
Article 9: Banu al-Nabit, according to circumstances (habit of) them, shoulder to shoulder to pay blood money between them (like) the original, and each tribe to pay the ransom captives with a good and fair manner among the believers.
Article 10: Banu al-'Aws, according to circumstances (habit of) them, shoulder to shoulder to pay blood money between them (like) the original, and each tribe to pay the ransom captives with a good and fair manner among the believers.
Article 11: Verily believers should not let people who bear the weight of debts between them, but help him well in the payment of ransom or blood money.
Article 12: A believer is not allowed to fellowship with other believers allies, without the consent of him.
Article 13: Those devout believers should oppose those who seek them or demanding anything in despotic, evil, or damage to hostilities among believers. United in their strength against him, though he was the son of one of them.
Article 14: A believer should not kill other believers because of (kill) unbelievers. Believers should not be too helpful for the infidels (kill) the believers.
Article 15: Assurance of God one. Warranty (protection) is given by those close. Truly faithful to each other's help, do not depend on other classes.
Article 16: Those Jews who follow us are entitled to relief and compensation, all (believers) are not terzalimi and resisted (by him).
Article 17: Peace believers are one. A believer should not make peace without other believers to participate in a war in Allah's way of Allah, except on the basis of equality and justice among them.
Article 18: Any troops who fought with us must shoulder to shoulder with each other.
Article 19: Those who believe that the killer replied to other believers in the war in Allah's way. Believers and the righteous are in the best directions and straight.
Article 20: The polytheists (Yathrib) are prohibited to protect property and lives of people (polytheists) of Quraysh, and must not interfere against the believers.
Article 21: Any person who kills a believer and sufficient evidence for his actions, should punished kill, unless the trustee was killed willingly (accept blood money). All believers should be united in punishing him.
Article 22: It is not justified for the Muslims who recognize this charter, believe in Allah and the Last Day, to help the killer and give him residence. Who gave assistance or provide for the offender's residence, will receive the curse and wrath of Allah on the Day of Judgement, and no remorse, and ransom received therefrom.
Article 23: If you disagree about something, the solution according to (provisions) of Allah Almighty and (making) Muhammad SAW.
Article 24: The Jews bear expenses along with faithful during the war.
Article 25: The Jews of Banu 'Awf are one community with the believers. For the Jews of their religion, and for the Muslims of their religion. Also (this freedom applies) for allies and themselves, except for the unjust and evil. It would thus destroy themselves and their families.
Article 26: The Jews of Banu Najjar was treated just like the Jews of Banu 'Awf.
Article 27: The Jews of Banu Hars treated just like the Jews of Banu 'Awf.
Article 28: The Jews of Banu Sa'idah treated just like the Jews of Banu 'Awf.
Article 29: The Jews of Banu Jusyam treated just like the Jews of Banu 'Awf.
Article 30: The Jews of Banu al-'Aws treated just like the Jews of Banu 'Awf.
Article 31: The Jews of Banu Sa'labah treated the same as the Jewish Banu
'Awf, except the unjust or treacherous. The penalty only affects themselves and
his family.
Article 32: Interest Jafnah of Sa'labah (treated) just like them (Banu Sa'labah).
Article 33: Banu Syutaybah (treated) just like the Jews of Banu 'Awf. Surely goodness (loyalty) is another of the crime (treasonous).
Article 34: Allies Sa'labah (treated) just like them (Banu Sa'labah).
Article 35: Relatives of Jews (outside of the city of Medina) is the same as they (Jews).
Article 36: No one is justified (for war), except with permission from Muhammad. He should not be hindered (repay) wound (made by others). Who do evil (killing), then return evil will befall himself and his family, except he was persecuted. Allah is justified (provision) of this.
Article 37: For the Jews there is liability costs, and for the Muslims there are liability costs. They (Jews and Muslims) help-help in the face of the enemy this Charter. They give each other advice and counsel. Fulfilling the promise of treasonous opponent. One does not bear the punishment due to (error) allies. Given to the defense of the persecuted.
Article 38: You are Jewish believers to bear the costs together during the war.
Article 39: Behold the land of Yathrib was "haram" (holy) for the citizens of this Charter.
Article 40: People who get guaranteed (treated) like a self-insurer, as long as no harm and no treasonous act.
Article 41: No guarantee is given, except with permission from the experts.
Article 42: In the event of an incident or dispute between the supporters of this Charter, which feared pose a hazard, according to the resolution submitted (provisions) of Allah Almighty, and (making) Muhammad SAW. Verily Allah the most nurturing and looking at both the content of this Charter.
Article 43: It's no protection for the Quraysh (Mecca) and also for their supporters.
Article 44: They (supporters of the Charter) shoulder to shoulder in the face of the attacker
the city of Yathrib.
Article 45: If they (the supporters of the charter) invited to make peace and they (the opponents) to meet the peace and carry peace, then peace is to be obeyed. If they are invited to terms like that, the believers must meet the solicitation and implement the peace, except against those who attack religion. Each person must carry out (duty) of each corresponding duties.
Article 46: The Jews of al-'Aws, allies and themselves as having rights and obligations as other groups support this Charter, with good treatment and full of all the supporters of this Charter. Surely goodness (loyalty) is different from the crime (treason). Each person is responsible for his actions. Verily Allah and looked good at justifying the contents of this Charter.
Article 47: Behold the Charter does not defend the unjust and treacherous. People who get out (traveling) is safe, and people are safe in Medina, except for people who despotic and treacherous. God is the guarantor of people who do good deeds and piety. And the Prophet Muhammad.
Madina Carter has proof that islam is peaceful religion
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