Tuesday, 29 November 2011



1. History

The developmen of Islam Kingdom in Indonesia is prove that islam is peaceful religion. Kingdom of Samudra Pasai is located in Aceh, and is the first Islamic kingdom inIndonesian. The kingdom was founded by Meurah Silu in the year 1267 AD Archaeological evidencethe existence of this kingdom is the discovery of the tomb of the kings Geudong Pasai in the village,North Aceh. The tomb is located near the ruins of buildings in the center of the Indian empireBeuringin village, sub-Ocean, about 17 km east of Lhokseumawe. BetweenThe tombs of the kings, there is the name of Sultan Malik al-Saleh, King Pasai first. Malik al-Saleh is the new name Meurah Silu after he converted to Islam, and the sultan of Islamthe first in Indonesia. To power approximately 29 years (1297-1326 AD). Kingdom of the OceanPasai is a combination of the kingdom of Pase and Peurlak, the first king of al-MalikSaleh.

A Muslim nomads of the Maghreb, Ibn Bathutah visited Pasai years1346 M. He also relates that, when he was in China, he saw a ship in the Sultan Pasaiof China. Indeed, Chinese sources said that the messenger Pasai there areroutinely came to China to give tribute. Other information also states that,Pasai sultan sent an envoy to Quilon, Western India in the year 1282 AD This proves thethat Pasai has a fairly extensive relations with the kingdom beyond

In its heyday, Samudra Pasai  is an important commercial center in the region,visited by merchants from various countries, like China, India, Siam, Arabia andPersia. The main commodities are pepper. As a major trading port, OceanPasai issued gold coins called dirhams. This money is used officiallyin the kingdom. In addition as a center of commerce,
Samudra Pasai alsois central to the development of Islam.

As the times, the Indian suffered a setback, until conquered byMajapahit around the year 1360 AD In the year 1524 AD conquered by the kingdom of Aceh.

2. Genealogy

1. Sultan Malik al-Saleh (1267-1297 AD)2. Sultan Muhammad Zahir Malikul (1297-1326 AD)3. Sultan Ahmad Laidkudzahi4. Sultan Zainal Abidin Malik al-Zahir (1383-1405 AD)5. Sultan Saladin (1405-1412 AD)6. ...................................

3. Period

The range of the power Samudra Pasai lasts about three centuries, from the 13th century until16 M.

4. Territory

Pasai territory covers an area of ​​Aceh at the time.

5. Socio-Cultural life

It has been mentioned earlier that, Pasai a great empire, trade centers anddevelopment of Islamic religion. As a great empire, the kingdom is also developing alife that produce a good paper. Minority group of creative workuse of Arabic letters brought by the Islamic religion, to write their work inMalay language. This is then known as Jawi language, and letters are calledArab Jawi. Among these papers is the Tale of King Pasai (HRP). The initial part of this textestimated to be written around the year 1360 AD HRP marks the commencement of the development of literature

Classical Malay archipelago on earth. Bahasa Melayu is then also used byShaykh al-Singkili Abdurrauf to write his books.Correspondingly, also developed the science of Sufism. Among the books of Sufismtranslated into the Malay language is al-Manzum Durru, by Maulana Abu Ishak.This book was later translated into Malay by Makhdum Patakan, abovedemand from the Sultan of Malacca. The above information tells a bit of a role that has beenplayed by the Samudra Pasai in his position as a center of Islamic civilization in AsiaSoutheast at the time.

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