Monday, 4 October 2010


Written by M. Sena

Peaceful life is anyone's dream. Everyone all over the world; although they are in poor life or rich, low social position or high, children or adult, their life purposes are peace. They do anything day and night, they look for much money and spend it, they visit wonderful place and may be go around the world in long holiday, all of that for peaceful their life. But although they have do all of that, there are many person who can't feel happy, their daily life very far from happy. Why this problem can be happen ? Because they don't know yet about  the real concept of peaceful life. Then what kind concept of peaceful life that must every body know ? Since 1400 years ago until today islam is peaceful religion. As peaceful religion islam will gives a great answer for this question. Islam will gives great concept of peaceful life.

Before I explain to you all about the concept of peaceful life, I will start my explanation by telling about life. Life acording islam just not life in the world, but there is scond life that called life after death or " akhirat life ". At first life " life in the world " there is happiness and sad, illnes and health, love and hate, and so on. What about the scond life ? Not far from first life, in akhirat there is heppiness and sad too. The heppiness and sad in the world are temporary, at long life of human, onetime they feel happy and the other time they feel sad. But the happiness at the scond life is forever, they will be  experience it at the paradise that the view  at there is very beautiful.  ( Really the person who have iman and do something well are best. Reward for him is ‘adn paradise, that flow a lot of river below : Al bayinah : 7-8 )

How about the sad ? The are two kinds sad ; sad  for long time – may be a hundred years, a thousand years or a million years – and sad forever, and sad forever. They will be experience and feel it in the hell.
Then I will explain to you about the concept of life acording islam. Because life just not once, but will be followed at the  next life, in order to  the concept of  peaceful life that we must  understand  it is peace forever; in first life and scond life.. How about the way to get it ? Prepare yourself to through all of way that will take you to happiness in the world and the akhirat, so just not the world or akhirat only but world and akhirat. There are many ways that we have to do :

1.    Depending this  life to Allah.
Men and women who depend themselves to Allah will do anything only for Allah not for else. These attitudes give more good effect for their daily activity. Really they will think before act, if something that they want to do well they will do, but if bad they will stop that activity and never do again forever. Because they know that Allah always see the. And do something well make their heart be happy. Beside of that, they believe that Allah will help them whenever, so they feel quiet anytime and anywhere.

2.    Believe that Allah will gives the problem solving to all of our problem.
    Allah says at the holy book ( al qur'an ) " Really after life's difficulties will come easy living, and really after life's difficulties will com easy living  " ( qur'an : al insyirah :  5- 6 ) Here Allah explain to us that there not life's difficulties forever. So  we should be optimistic.

" Say to the world that islam is peaceful religion "

To be Continued.

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